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Tuition Frequently Asked Questions

Below, you will find the answers to a variety of common questions related to tuition, fees, room, and board.

  1. What is the total cost to attend for the University of Mount Union?

    The cost of tuition, fees, room, and board is based upon the program for which you are enrolled. 

  2. Are books and supplies included in the direct cost?

    No, however Mount Union has partnered with Barnes & Noble to ensure all students are prepared to begin learning on the first day of classes. Raider Ready provides all required textbooks, lab manuals, access codes and digital textbook versions to undergraduate students. Mount Union will be covering the cost of renting textbooks so that eligible students will receive them for free. Students should check emails 30 days prior to the start of classes to confirm their book selections.

  3. What payment plans are available if I cannot pay the entire amount at one time?

    We have a semester payment plan with payments due on July 31 for the fall semester and December 31 for the spring semester. We also have a monthly payment plan offered by Touchnet, that allows monthly payments due on the 15th of each month. There is a non-refundable application fee of $45 per semester for this plan.

  4. What is the Tuition Payment Agreement and why do we have to return it?

    The *Tuition Payment Agreement is the financial agreement and legal obligation between the student and the University. It is very important that we receive this form. The agreement needs to be signed (online) by the student and returned to the Office of Business Affairs by June 30. Failure to return the signed agreement will prohibit registration.

    *Requires access to Mount Union's student, faculty, and staff portal

  5. When will I receive my first bill?

    A statement is available for you to review by visiting Colleague Self Service, click on Student Finance, Account Activity, then select the term, and click "view statement." Payment is due by July 31. See our Payment Checklist for more information.

  6. What other important forms need to be turned in before the start of school?

    Under Federal Law, you must authorize by name, individuals permitted to discuss with the Business Office the status of your student account. The Proxy Access will Allow Student Accounts to discuss your account with those persons listed.The student also needs to sign the *Federal Title IV Authorization. This form allows us to use federal aid monies to pay for miscellaneous fees other than tuition and board and also allows us to hold any credit on the student account if the student requests. All forms are completed online in the Self-Service Portal by clicking on the username icon. A drop-down menu will appear. Click on “Required Agreements” and click on the manage button to complete both the Tuition Payment Agreement and Federal Title IV Authorization.  Click on “View/Add Proxy Access” to complete the Proxy authorization.

    *Requires access to Mount Union's student, faculty, and staff portal

  7. Can my parents/guardians check my balance?

    You can give your parents/guardians access to your account via Colleague Self-Service. If someone is helping you pay your bill, you can provide them with access to your billing account through your Colleague Self-Service account.

    Click on “Student Finances” and select “Pay Your Tuition Bill Here,” then go to "My Profile Setup" and click on "Authorized Users." There you can add an authorized user’s email address to have access. The authorized user will receive two (2) emails:  one advising that you are giving them access and one with a temporary password. Please note: this password will expire within 24 hours.

    There are options available to share, including but not limited to, tuition balance. We ask that you review your account balances to verify that all the charges and aid are correct.

  8. Do you accept credit cards for payment?

    Yes. The University accepts VISA, MasterCard, and American Express for payments via the student portal and online or at the kiosk located at the Office of Business Affairs Cashier's Window. No credit card payments will be accepted at the Cashier's Window. For security purposes, payments are not accepted over the phone.

  9. Is there an additional charge to use a credit card?

    Yes. Students paying their tuition and associated fees, including room and board, with a credit card will be assessed a credit card convenience fee. This convenience fee is paid directly from the card user to our third-party processor, Pay Path, and is used by credit card companies to cover expenses for reward programs and consumer incentives. The fee will appear as a separate transaction item on your credit card statement. The University of Mount Union does not receive any part of this fee.

  10. Will I be charged this fee if I sign up for the monthly payment plan?

    Yes. The plan will charge a convenience fee for each transaction for credit card payments on the payment plan.

  11. How can I pay my student account and avoid the convenience fee?

    To avoid the convenience fee, a student can:

    • Make an online payment from a checking/savings account (ACH)
    • Pay by cash in person at the Office of Business Affairs Cashier’s Window
    • Pay by check or money order via mail or in person at the Cashier’s Window
  12. How can I check the account balance on the student account?

    Your student can give you access to their account via Colleague Self-Service. All balances can be viewed electronically on the Student Finance page. We ask that you review these balances to verify that all the charges are correct.

  13. What happens if I am unable to pay my bill for any reason?

    If you have not signed up for the monthly payment plan and do not pay your bill on time, a 1% late fee will be assessed to the account monthly after school begins. Student accounts with balances over $1000 will be placed on hold. This will prohibit a student from registering for classes for the next semester. 

  14. What do I do if my account is on hold?

    What is a hold? 

    A hold is a block on your account that prohibits you from performing an action like registering for classes or requesting a transcript. Most holds are financial holds and result from the student’s tuition or fees not being paid before a deadline. Students with unpaid tuition and fees will not be allowed to register for the next semester or request an academic transcript until the tuition and fees are paid.


    *You have the right to access your transcript for employment purposes, regardless of whether you owe an institutional debt, provided you have authorized the transcripts be sent directly to the employer and the employer affirms to the institution that the transcripts are a prerequisite of employment.


    How do I check if I have a hold?

    You can check to see if your account is on hold in Self-Service. Navigate to “Student Finance”. If a hold has been placed on your account, you will see a notification above your Account Overview. Expanding the notification will give you a message regarding the type of hold.

    hold notification image

    How do I clear the hold on my account?

    Clearing the hold on your account will depend on the type of hold that has been placed on your account. Follow the instructions below to clear your hold.

    • Business Office Balance Hold
      • You have a Business Office Balance Hold because your tuition account balance is over $1000. Review your balance in Self-Service under “Student Finance”. Make a payment by clicking “Pay Your Tuition Bill Here”. If you need help applying for loan funds, contact Financial Aid at (330)-823-2674 or email You may also schedule an appointment with a Financial Aid Counselor. Additional payment methods can be viewed under the “Payment Checklist,” or you may speak with Student Accounts for additional payment options.
    • Business Office Documents
      • You have a Business Office Document hold because you have not signed your Tuition Payment Agreement. Log into Self-Service and click on your username in the top right corner. Under “Required Agreements” you will see “Tuition Payment Agreement”. You need to read the agreement and accept. 
    • Health Center Hold
      • You have a Health Center Hold because you have not turned in important health forms. Please contact the Health Center at 330-596-7995 or to find out what forms you are missing.
  15. What if the student account is overpaid after all aid has been received?

    If the student account indicates a credit balance, a refund will be issued. Refunds are disbursed by direct deposit or paper check. Every student will need to enroll in one of these options via Colleague Self-Service - Banking Information at the beginning of the school year. Please note that there is no need to re-enroll each semester or each new school year unless an address or bank information changes. If the enrollment information is not received, refunds will be processed in the form of a paper check and held at the Business Office Cashier’s window for pick up. Checks will not be mailed. 

    Refunds are reimbursed throughout the semester starting the third week of the semester and every two weeks thereafter as needed.

  16. What are other services available at the Cashier’s Window of the Office of Business Affairs?

    Any student account questions can be answered by the staff in the Office of Business Affairs. Any billing that needs to be sent to receive outside scholarships are handled by the cashier.

  17. Where is the Office of Business Affairs/Cashier’s Window?

    The Cashier's Window is located on the second floor of Beeghly Hall. It is open Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m.

  18. How can I access cash on campus?

    A Huntington Bank ATM is located in the Hoover-Price Campus Center. Mount Union’s Cashier’s Office is also open Monday through Friday from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on the second floor of Beeghly Hall. Personal checks may be cashed up to a limit of $50. If you have a personal check in excess of this amount, the cashier can make arrangements to cash your check with a local bank. Student paychecks will fall under this limit also. Cash will be given up to $50 while the remainder can be applied to the student's outstanding account. Local banks include Huntington Bank, Citizens Bank, Key Bank, and Chase Bank.

  19. Why is my aid award amount not the same as the aid shown on my billing account?

    The award offer details your annual gift aid, loans, and work-study eligibility. You must complete loan processes if you wish to take advantage of the loans listed on your award offer. The billing account shows your actual charges for one semester, less any financial aid that has been credited to your account and is what you actually owe.

    There are several reasons why you may see a difference in your estimated cost on the financial aid award offer and your billing account.

    • The Office of Student Financial Aid is awaiting requested documents from you.
    • You have not completed the required loan processes.
    • Direct loans posted to your account less a 1.057% fee and the Direct Parent PLUS loan posted less a 4.228% fee. These rates reset October 1 each year.
    • You are taking classes that incur additional course fees (ie:  lab fees, fingerprinting charges, acadeum courses, etc).
    • Varying room and board options.
  20. What is a 1098-T and why do I need it?

    The information on the 1098-T is provided to assist with filing for the education tax benefits/tax credit deductions, such as the Lifetime Learning Tax Credit and Hope Scholarship Tax Credit. Your form will be available electronically in self-service no later than January 31. Step by step instructions to view/print your Form 1098-T are available here. Please remember to sign up to receive your 1098-T electronically.

    The University of Mount Union is unable to provide you with individual tax advice, but should you have questions, you should seek the counsel of an informed tax preparer or advisor.

  21. How do I get my Form 1098-T?

    The Form 1098-T is mailed to your current address on file if electronic consent is not received by January 15. Steps to consent to receive it electronically are:

    1. Start at the Colleague Self Service home page

    2. Select “Tax Information"

    3. Select the radio button to “Receive my 1098-T form only in electronic format”

    4. Save

    The benefits to receiving electronically are:

    • Provides access to the form 1098-T earlier than the traditional mailing process.
    • Online access eliminates the chance that the 1098-T will get lost, misdirected, or delayed during delivery, or misplaced once the student receives it.
    • Signing up for the online access is easy and secure.
    • Students can access their 1098-T form while traveling or away from the home address.

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